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In MaÕarrat our troops boiled pagan adults in cooking-pots; they impaled children on spits and devoured them grilled. The inhabitants of towns and villages near MaÕarrat would never read this confession by the Frankish chronicler Radulph of Caen, but they would never forget what they had seen and heard. The memory of these atrocities, preserved and transmitted by local poets and oral tradition, shaped an image of the Franj that would not easily fade.

ÐÐ Amin Maalouf, The Crusades Through Arab Eyes (Les croisades vues par les Arabes), 1984, trans. by Jon Rothschild, Schocken Books edition, pp. 38-39

The Cannibal
of Ma'arrat

Women of Berlin

Jassy Pogrom

The Original

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