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Bluefat Archive June 2009

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"The fact that I still can make records feels like a shift in the time-space continuum; the way things should have worked out, I should be teaching community college and making music in my bedroom that no one listens to. That to me feels like the natural order of things."

Moby and I meet poolside at a hotel on the Sunset Strip, Hollywood, CA. As usual, he's dressed casually, just a Fugazi T-shirt, droopy jeans and horn-rimmed spectacles. Looks lean but healthy. Sort of unpretentiously unpretentious, you might say. He has an iced tea; I have a Coke. Frequent refills at no extra charge. He pays. Nice guy.

Moby has a new album out on Mute called Wait for Me, an introspective set with an unusual genesis and whose subtlely startling sonics offer yet another change in direction for our restless Moby. In this exclusive interview he discusses the new album, the collapse of the music industry and the phoenixlike rise of independent artists 'round the world.

BLUEFAT: I was interested to read this anecdote about your hearing David Lynch speak, and drawing inspiration from it. What did he say that sparked things off?

MOBY: Well, I can only paraphrase. He was talking at BAFTA, which is the British Academy of Film and Television, and he was talking about creativity, and he was talking about how creativity doesn't need to be judged by market standards but purely by emotional, subjective standards.


photo: Jessica Dimmock